
Updated Diocesan Staff Handbook

An updated version of the Diocesan Staff Handbook is available online. Designed for diocesan staff, this handbook can also be used as a template by churches.

Diocesan Staff Handbook

Designed for diocesan staff this handbook can also be used as a template for churches.

New page — Committees, Commissions, Ministries, etc.

We’ve added what we hope is a complete list of all the various committees, commissions, ministries, and affiliated organizations of the diocese. Overtime we plan to add more detail and links to relevant information to this page.

Good Friday Offering Resources

These resources help explain the mission of The Episcopal Church in supporting the ministries of the four dioceses of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, and the importance of contributions to the Good Friday Offering in making this work possible.

Materiales para la Ofrenda del Viernes Santo

Estos recursos ayudan a explicar la misión de la Iglesia Episcopal en el apoyo de los ministerios de las cuatro diócesis de la Provincia de Jerusalén y el Medio Oriente, y la importancia de las contribuciones a la Ofrenda del Viernes Santo hacen posible este trabajo.

Clerical Directory Update

The Clerical Directory (password protected) has been updated. Besides routine data updates, we’ve added spouse contact details, contact details for surviving spouses, and you’ll also notice some minor updates to the layout.

One due date for two important deadlines

Please check this article for details. March 1, 2022 Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, and Lay Evangelist licenses expire. Vestry rosters, slate of delegates, Bishop’s Committee rosters due.

Prayer Cycle Updated

Error corrected in the prayer cycle entry for the week of February 20, and the Rev. Ron Keel at Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield, has been added to the week of February 27. Prayer cycle images are available through to March 6.

Retiro Espiritual De Cuaresma

El Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de West Missouri y Arkansas. Grace Church Carthage, San Nicolas Noel, La Iglesia de Todos los Santos en Bentonville, San Andres en Rogers y San Tomas en Sprindales. This one-page insert is available as a pdf file here.

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