
West Missouri’s Communications Director oversees the communications functions of the diocese which include the news and events website – New Spirit, the church administration site, the main diocesan website, and diocesan social media channels.

The Communications Director is available to provide direct support to congregations and their staff members or volunteers in charge of communications. The offerings include annual presentations, presentations at the convention Gathering, and resources distributed via a Facebook Group.  Help is available to advise churches on building and maintaining their websites.

Important – if you are responsible or involved in any communications or church administration activity at your church please join the  Facebook Group.

Church Connect

Church Connect is the ‘re-branding’ and morphing of the existing WEMO Communicators group into a combined Communicators and administrators group in recognition of the cross-over between the two activities.

Online presence


Social Media

Communications resources

Below are a set of links to content developed within the diocese. We’ve also included useful links to various external communications resources from The Episcopal Church and affiliated organizations.

Communications articles

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  • 09-06-2021. Page content migrated from
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