
The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage

Concerning the Service This rite is appropriately celebrated in the context of the Holy Eucharist and may take place at the principal Sunday Liturgy. This rite then replaces the Ministry of the Word. A bishop or priest normally presides. Parallel texts from Enriching Our Worship 1are included as options for elements of this rite. At least one of the couple must be a baptized Christian, and the marriage shall conform to the laws of the state and canons of this church. Two or more presenters, who may be friends, parents, family members, or drawn from the local assembly, may present the couple to the presider and the assembly. As indicated in the opening address, the consent, and the blessing of the rings, the rite may be modified for use with a couple who have previously made a lifelong commitment to one another. Updates 07-28-2021. Webpage created from existing PDF document.

Documents Page updated

After a couple of months of testing the Documents Page has been reverted back to its former long scrolling format. With the more compact layout, it wasn’t possible to provide links direct to sub-sections. After considering solutions for a while, and looking at other options, We’ve reverted the page back to the previous layout. To help you get to the right section we’ve added a table of contents.

New Spirit Update – July 15 issue

In this issue: the installation of Fr. Isaac Petty at St. Luke’s, the 2021 Annual Diocesan Convention website is now open, Prayer and pain, and much more.

Taskforce announces training updates to Safe Church curriculum

Three new courses related to safe church policies within The Episcopal Church will be released July 14, with webinars planned soon to help dioceses transition to a new learning platform. All new courses will be launched to create a new program called Safe Church, Safe Communities.

Prayer Cycle Updated

The Prayer Cycle on the main diocesan website has been updated to reflect recent changes in the clergy.

Stewardship resources

Even when the annual giving program works well, churches might consider changing it up about every three years so everyone participating experiences God’s call in a new and engaging way.

This new page provides resources to consider as you contemplate your annual giving program.

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