
Church Admin Documents page re-formatted

The Church Admin Documents page has been reformatted to hopefully make it easier to navigate around and find the document you are looking for. The page now uses a set of tabs to display the various categories of documents that we hold.

Site Main Menu updated

The site main menu was getting too long to display on one line even on wide monitors, so we’ve looked at another way of organizing the information.

Prayer Cycle Updated

The Prayer Cycle on the main diocesan website has been updated through to the end of the liturgical year.

Clerical Directory Updated

The Clerical Directory has been updated to reflect all the recent changes. The password to access the directory has not changed. Clergy Directory Page

Clergy Pages Added

All the clergy pages on the main diocesan website have now been moved to is site, and the links updated. The passwords to access the directory and community pages have not changed. Career Development Clerical Directory Community Overview of the ordination process.

Church Support Page Added

Find out how the Bishop’s staff can help you and your church with your mission and ministries.

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