
Annual Convention website update

The following items have been added to the website: Slate of Diocesan Council nominees, Slate of Standing Committee nominees, Slate of nominees for deputies to GC81, and the draft 2023 Plan for Ministry, as approved by the Diocesan Council.

2022 Standing Committee nominees

2022 Standing Committee Nominees. Click on any of the entries to read the full profile of the nominee. Clergy, two to be elected. Lay, two to be elected.

2022 Diocesan Council nominees

2022 Diocesan Council Nominees. Click on any of the entries to read the full profile of the nominee. Clergy, two to be elected. Lay, four to be elected.

Resolución #1

Puede descargar e imprimir una copia de esta resolución desde aquí

2022 – Resolution #3

Title: Converting the Chancellor into a Non-Voting Member of Diocesan Convention
Proposer: Constitution & Canons Committee

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