Ms. Jillian Merrill Jan 22, 1914

Ms. Jillian Merrill

Elected in 2019 to Diocesan Council. 2nd Two-year term
Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence (Central Deanery)

Involvement at a Church level:

A member of Trinity since return to Metro Kansas City in 2011. Former member of St. John’s, Springfield. Started DOK chapter at St. John’s. Transferred membership to Trinity and DOK. Actively involved at Trinity in various groups, i.e., Evangelism Committee, Outreach, currently on Vestry. Serve as Eucharistic Minister and lay reader. Attend Sunday Adult Forum/Bible Study. Also attend Wednesday Bible Study at Blue Springs (Church of the Resurrection). Served as Convention delegate and alternate from Trinity. Ongoing participant in many activities including Boot Camp, AED Defibrillator program training, Bishop’s Day, Summer Church Summit, etc. as programs are offered.

Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan level:

  • Served two terms as a lay member of the Standing Committee 2014 -2017.
  • currently serving on Diocesan Council.
  • Participate in fall and spring gatherings of DOK at various other churches within our diocese.

Involvement at a Provincial/General Church level:

  • Attended DOK Triennial Convention in Utah 2015.
  • Attend DOK Provincial gatherings 2011-2017.

Any additional comments:

It is my desire to serve our diocese and to help grow the Episcopal church in community. I am dedicated to the ‘Jesus Movement’ as our Presiding Bishop has enlisted our support.

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