Lay Licensed Ministries

There are lots of opportunities for Lay (non-ordained) members of the diocese to serve in spiritual and leadership roles within the diocese.

Read more about other leadership roles.

Lay Opportunities to Serve in Licensed Ministry

There are a variety of ways that lay persons in The Episcopal Church can participate in ministry. In fact, Jesus called us to represent him and his work to the world. One of the ways to become involved is to pursue a lay licensed ministry.

There are seven forms of licensed lay ministries described by the Canons of The Episcopal Church: 

  • Pastoral Leader
  • Worship Leader
  • Preacher
  • Catechist
  • Eucharist Minister
  • Eucharistic Visitor
  • Evangelist

All seven licenses are available through The Diocese of West Missouri. Below you will find a link to the guidelines for each license and the application, as well as other information. Before you begin the application process, you should meet with your local clergy to discuss your interest in the license and allow them to help you begin a discernment process that would include working through items noted in training and resources. You can be licensed at any time, but renewal of a license occurs on a diocesan schedule every three years.

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