Report — Deputation to the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church Oct 18, 2022

Report — Deputation to the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church

The Rev. Anne Meredith Kyle, GC80 Deputation Lead

Since the last Annual Convention, the deputation prepared for and attended the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church (GC80) in Baltimore, Maryland, July 8-11, 2022. The deputation in attendance included, in the lay order Ms. Amanda Perschall, Mr. Spencer Orr, Ms. Alexandra Connors, Mr. Curtis Hamilton, and alternate deputy Ms. Christine Morrison; and in the clergy order, Mtr. Anne Meredith Kyle, Fr. Jonathan Frazier, Fr. Chas Marks, Fr. Larry Ehren, and alternate deputy Fr. Sean Kim. Mr. Channing Horner, Mr. Bob Maynard, Fr. John Spicer, Mtr. Meg Rhodes, and Mtr. Cathy Cox participated in the preparation for the convention faithfully as alternate deputies. Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce participated in the House of Bishops, serving as the secretary to the HoB.

The Deputation worked diligently in preparation for, and participation in the GC80. The convention, which had already been delayed by one year, was shortened from eight days to four and changed in response to continuing concerns about the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The actions of the GC80 are too numerous to list here. Those interested in the actions of the General Convention may visit which includes general information and links to resolutions, elections, the budget, and video of the GC80.

This 133rd Convention will elect the deputation for the 81st General Convention (GC81), which will be held in Louisville, Kentucky in the summer of 2024. The GC81, among other actions, will elect the next presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church.

The next year will be spent in general organization and preliminary meetings of the GC81 deputation. Regular meetings to prepare for GC81 will begin in January 2024.

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