Report — Stewardship Commission Oct 11, 2022

Report — Stewardship Commission

Amy Amason, Chair

What are the highlights of your ministry since the last Annual Convention?

The Commission was established in late April.  We have spent the past several months on the following:

  • We developed a survey to ascertain interest and need in the various areas of stewardship across the diocese.  The survey was distributed the week of September 12, 2022 via email and in the New Spirit.  To date, 27 responses have been received.
  • We are collecting information about existing resources around the country that can be shared with our parishes.
  • We have been in conversation with TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) about possible training opportunities in the diocese for 2023.
  • We have begun the redraft of stewardship resources on the website.

Describe how these activities have furthered the work of the diocese and strengthened parishes and congregations?  (Include the number of participants and/or people served.)

  • As a new Commission, our work to date has been learning and planning to support stewardship in the diocese.

What are your plans for ministry in the next year?

  • Our plans for ministry will, in large part, be directed by the results of the survey and further conversations throughout the diocese.
  • We plan to include a Stewardship Message in the New Spirit once a month.
  • We will visit parishes who are interested in stewardship support

How will you measure success in the next year?

  • We will compile the results of the surveys and make a written plan to address the concerns.  This will serve as a guide for further planning.
  • The number of stewardship messages in New Spirit in 2023.
  • We will measure success based on the number of requests we receive for information, resources, and visits.
  • The relative change in stewardship engagement at the congregational level as measured by a follow-up survey next year.

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