Communication resources (online)

Facebook Pages

If you manage a church Facebook page, we’d strongly recommend following all of these pages. Many have daily posts that you can share, some are places where you can get advice and help.


These websites are well worth monitoring and visiting on a regular basis.

Episcopal Asset Map

If your church doesn’t have a detailed entry in the Episcopal Asset map, we strongly recommend that you download the checklist and provide details so that people can find you.

Image Resources

Before using an image please check that you have the license to do so. Just because someone else has stolen and used an image, it doesn’t give you the right to do so as well. Any image you use should be either  in the Public Domain, or licensed with a suitable Creative Commons license. And before you think no one will notice the use of their image, there are businesses that make their money tracking down copyright violations and charging the perpetrators.

Neither the bishop or I enjoy receiving invoices/lawyers’ letters from businesses whose images have been used without license by our churches.

In short, using images without permission is theft. Don’t do it. The list of resources below includes Public Domain and Creative Commons ‘share alike’ and ‘Noncommercial’ license sources. Note. Just because you are a non-profit, it doesn’t mean that your use could not be considered commercial.

Copyright law is quite daunting (and expensive if a legal decision goes against you).

Many thanks to Beth Felice for her contribution to the above list. Got any suggestions for additions or corrections? email me:


  • 09-07-2021. Page content migrated from
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