Meeting Resources

We provide facilities for churches, commissions, committees, deaneries, and ministries to meet in person and/or online.

  • Diocesan Center Meeting Room. The diocesan meeting room will comfortably seat eight-ten people (with no physical distancing), with physical distancing the maximum capacity is four people.
  • Diocesan Center Meeting Room with online participants. Online participants can join by computer/tablet/smartphone/telephone. The meeting room has a video conferencing camera and 72″ monitor.
  • Online Meetings without dial-in.  All meeting attendees meet by computer/tablet/smartphone.
  • Online Meetings with dial-in.  Some meeting attendees will meet using a computer/tablet/smartphone and others will join by audio only (telephone).

Booking a Meeting

To book a meeting, contact the Bishop’s Executive Assistant,, full contact details here.

  • We will confirm to you that the meeting is booked, and
  • Will send you detailed meeting instructions.
  • Important. You are responsible for sending the meeting joining instructions on to those you want to attend their meeting.
  • Any questions? Contact the Bishop’s Assistant with any questions regarding your booking.

On the day of the meeting:

  • You should join the online meeting at least five minutes before the meeting starts to allow attendees arriving in advance to access the meeting.
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