Latest Announcements

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Pre-Convention Information and Resources

Please note that for the Special Convention, we only need the necessary number present to conduct the business of approving the revised Rules of Order required for an online convention to be held.

Registration for the Special Convention is now closed.

Please note the convention will be publicly broadcast live on social media, so visitors do not need to register or attend, they can watch the proceedings from the comfort of their own homes.

All participants at the Special Convention will be required to properly wear face masks, to observe physical distancing, etc.  Also, the number of delegates who can attend will be limited by the physical space of the Cathedral and the 6-foot rule for physical distancing.  If more clergy and delegates arrive than the Cathedral’s nave can accommodate, another section of the building will be used for overflow.

Special Convention 2020 Information and Resources

Venue – Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral

Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral,
415 W 13th St,
Kansas City, MO 64105

Updated: October 14, 2020.

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