Report — Campus Ministry

Alisa Carmichael The Campus Ministry Commission supports outreach ministry to college students and partnerships with local parishes located near university campuses.  The Commission has started reorganizing and rebuilding campus ministry planning this year with the following steps: The Campus Ministry Commission meets by Zoom at 4:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. We are updating the campus ministry website to refer students to parishes located near university campuses. We have updated the campus ministry Facebook page and added a campus ministry Instagram page. Austin Boyland has served as Campus Missioner at Christ Church in Springfield.  He will be stepping down this fall due to other increased job responsibilities. Rev. David Kendrick is currently exploring partnership options with Ekklesia on Missouri State University’s campus.  Ekklesia is an ecumenical campus ministry program that incorporates representation from multiple denominations. Clare Stern-Burbano is developing programming for college students at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.  One popular recent discussion series for this age group was entitled: “Does God have a Gender?”. The Campus Ministry Commission is currently exploring options for re-establishing peer ministers in our diocese.  We have also started the discernment process to apply for possible funding from the Episcopal Church Young Adult and Campus Ministry national grant program. We welcome the opportunity to promote local parish events that might appeal to college students.  Please let us know about these and/or other ways that our diocese can reach out to our local college campuses. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.