Report — Peace and Justice Committee

Tara Bennett, Chair The Peace and Justice Committee was formed in August 2022 by Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce in response to the shootings in Uvalde, TX and the Dobbs decision. It is in its’ initial formation stages, determining activities and responses. The Peace and Justice Committee is charged with first looking at a Diocesan response to gun violence, be it city gun violence, unintentional shootings or suicide. The committee will follow two tracks. The first track is Education and Legislation, and will provide Bishop Bruce with information and advice about pertinent legislation within the Missouri legislature. Additionally, it will look for ways to provide education to congregations on gun safety and violence prevention. The second track is Social Justice. It will seek to work at a deeper level with societal causes of gun violence, and to partner with relevant groups in the community to address the underlying issues which cause people to turn to gun violence. In the next year, the Peace and Justice Committee plans to focus first on the Education and Legislation track. It will distribute information to parishes about gun violence and safety and advise the Bishop regarding advocacy on gun safety measures in the legislature. It will then move to research and determine effective work with partner organizations to address the root causes of gun violence as the year progresses. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.