Career Development

A call to the ordained ministry lives and grows throughout a lifetime of work. Look here for resources to help you build knowledge and skill and comply with canonical requirements for reporting continuing education. You’ll also find links to the Office of Transition Ministries page and listings for ministry opportunities available in West Missouri.

Office of Transition Ministries

Open Positions for Clergy

Continuing Education


“3 for $350” Continuing Education Program

The “3 for $350” Continuing Education Program in The Diocese of West Missouri is available to eligible clergy and lay professionals on an annual basis. Per annual, the diocese will contribute no more than $350. You may apply for only one continuing education program per year, and no funds carry over if the application is for less than $350. The congregation, the diocese, and the participant participate equally in the annual cost. If the expenses are more than $1050, the maximum amount the diocese will contribute is $350. When your continuing education program is completed, you must submit your evaluation. Future applications will not be considered until all previous evaluation forms are on file with the Continuing Education Program. Diocesan matching fund may not be used for the annual Diocesan “in house” fall or spring clergy continuing education events.

All applications will be accepted on a “first time, first serve” basis, since funds are limited.


  • 06-24-2021 – 3 for $350 text added (taken from pdf), links updated to point to online forms. PDF’s removed from system.
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