Report — Commission on Ministry Oct 12, 2022

Report — Commission on Ministry

Bob Maynard, Chair

The Commission on Ministry (COM) exists in compliance with Title III, Canon 2 of the Canons and Constitutions as an advisory role to the Bishop in the implementation of Title III.  The primary responsibilities are the encouraging and enabling present and future opportunities for the ministry of all the baptized, in the design and oversight of recruitment, discernment, formation for ministry and assisting in accessing individuals’ readiness for ministry.

Our Subcommittees have been formed to cover these areas articulated in specific Canons under Title III.  These four subcommittees are Discernment, Ordination Process, Licensed Ministry, and Clergy Continuing Education, Orientation and Mentoring. Membership in these subcommittees is not limited to members of the Commission. The chairs of the subcommittees will be ex-officio members of the Commission, if not already elected or appointed members.

For the majority of 2022 all activities of the Commission have been held via Zoom.  In August we resumed in-person meetings which also included participation via Zoom.

Highlights of 2022

The Clergy Continuing Education, Orientation and Mentoring subcommittee finished its work on guidelines for Mentoring.  This has been published on the Diocesan Website.  Early in the year Bishop Diane charged the subcommittee with developing a plan to incorporate clergy recently ordained or new to the Diocese.  We have created a working document for the program named Beginning Well.  This program will be presented to clergy this fall.

The subcommittee for Licensed Ministry has continues reviewing and revising diocesan policies regarding licensed ministry for recommendation to the Bishop. We have been doing this in with the assistance of the Dean of the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, which is developing curricula to support licensed ministries.

Commission on Ministry Actions since last reported to Diocesan Convention 2021:

October 2021      Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood – Krista Heuett

                           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood – Collin Larimore

                           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –  Jean Long

                           Recommended for Candidacy for the Diaconate – Adam James

                           Recommended for Candidacy for the Diaconate – Barbara Wegener

February 2022     Recommended for Ordination to the Priesthood – Krista Heuett

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Priesthood – Collin Larimore

April 2022          Recommended for Candidacy for the Diaconate – Vicky Anderson

                           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood – Ryan Williams

                           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –Brittany Savage

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate –Jean Long

June 2022           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –David Wilcox

                           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –Ryan Zavacky

August 2022        Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –Brian Cowley

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate –Vicky Anderson

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate –Adam James

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate –Barbara Wegener

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate –Brittany Sparrow-Savage

                           Recommended for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate –Ryan Williams

Plans for 2023

  1. Complete design and implement a revised Discernment process modelling ourselves similarly to other Dioceses
  2. Participate in joint conversations with Commissions on Ministry associated with the BKSM membership.
  3. Continued support of Lay ministry development and training. 
  4. Further development of guidelines for continuing education.
  5. Implement strategy for continuing vocational discernment in all congregations.

Diocesan Priorities

While some of our work ultimately impacts all of the priorities, perhaps most directly we are assisting in growing leaders.  Identifying and encouraging individuals for being ordained clergy, obviously, but we intend our work to include occasional training opportunities for lay individuals.  Coordination with BKSM will be a new opportunity for lay education and training.

The Diocese of West Missouri currently has 6 Nominees, 2 Postulants for the Diaconate 5 Postulants for the Priesthood, 7 Candidates, and 3 Transitional Deacons active in the ordination process.

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