
Customary for Deacons

This Customary is written to clarify the role of deacons as ordained ministers in service to the world and to the Church, and to communicate the ways in which deacons will function and be supported in The Diocese of West Missouri.  These customs shall be regarded and observed in this diocese by lay persons, bishops, and presbyters, as well as deacons.  The information herein was created by a team of deacons in the Diocese, with particular input from the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce, Bishop Provisional, and the Venerable Bruce E. Bower, Archdeacon; as a whole, it is guided by the vision statement of the Association for Episcopal Deacons incorporates ideas from the customaries of several other dioceses.

Annual Convention hotel reservations now available

Hotel reservations are being accepted through October 11. Rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. The “group rate” is $119 per night for King Standard Non-Smoking rooms. A credit card will be required to guarantee individual reservations.

2022 Annual Convention Registration

Where: Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral, Kansas City and Online
When: November 4, 2022, 5 p.m. and November 5, 2022, at 8 a.m.
For: Lay and Clergy delegates, and visitors, both in person and online.

2022 Stewardship Survey

In an attempt to be supportive as quickly as possible, the Stewardship Commission is currently compiling a list of stewardship resources, including pre-planned stewardship campaigns, legacy giving materials and stewardship theology within the framework of our values as Episcopalians in The Diocese of West Missouri. To best serve the needs, makeup, and context of your church, please complete the supplied online form.

Clergy leave-taking policy published

Please make sure you read this document. It was developed utilizing the wisdom of many dioceses and with the blessings of the Chancellor and the Diocesan Council.

Clergy leave-taking policy

A good beginning depends on a good ending. Your congregation’s ability to call your successor and move forward successfully in ministry with them depends greatly on how well you leave as well as on your ability to let go. Your character and integrity are demonstrated in how you leave a position.

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