Mr. Spencer J. T. Orr Jan 09, 1912

Mr. Spencer J. T. Orr

Supplied image

Elected to Diocesan Council in 2022. 2nd two-year term.
General Convention Deputy to GC81. Elected in 2022.
Grace Episcopal Church, Carthage (Southern Deanery).

Involvement at a Church level:

  • Member of the Organ Committee.
  • Saint Gregory Choir Member Emeritus.
  • Occasional Flute Player at various services throughout the year, when asked.
  • Youth Ministry Commission – As a youth, since 2005. As an Adult Volunteer ~2013-2020

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan level:

  • Southern Deanery Grace Church Delegate to Diocesan Conventions 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022.
  • First Term Elected Member of Diocesan Council 2020-2022.
  • Bishop’s Appointee to Diocesan Council 2018-2020.

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church level:

  • General Convention Deputy to the 80th General Convention in 2021

Additional comments

A lifelong member of Grace Episcopal Church in Beautiful, Charming, and Historic Carthage, Missouri; Spencer seeks election to Diocesan Council for a second elected term (2022-2024) to continue the work of serving and supporting our shared ministry together as the Episcopal Church in West Missouri, noting and representing the respective needs of our congregations (urban and rural) of our Diocese.

General Convention Deputy

Spencer seeks election to represent our Diocese as a Lay member of our West Missouri Deputation for a second time to the 81st General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky in 2024.


  • 10-19-2022. Updated with the latest supplied information for nomination to Diocesan Council and as a General Convention Deputy.
  • 10-28-2020. Updated with the latest supplied information for nomination to Diocesan Council.
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