Convention Announcements

2021 Pre-Convention Online Technology Training

If you are attending the 2021 Annual Convention online, you are strongly urged to sign up for one of the four training sessions being provided. Even if you are a ‘Zoom Expert’ we will be covering additional topics, including, Checking in, Voting, and the Zoom language interpretation feature.

Nominations, resolutions, and the draft minutes of the 2020 convention available

All nominations to Standing Committee and Diocesan Council received before the deadline are now posted on the website. Diocesan Council nominees Standing Committee nominees All resolutions received four weeks prior to the 132nd Annual Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri, are available to read, download, and print here. The draft minutes of the 131st Convention of The Diocese of West Missouri are available to read, download, and print here.

Bishop Provisional nominee for West Missouri announced

The Standing Committee of The Diocese of West Missouri has announced their selection of a nominee for Bishop Provisional of West Missouri. The formal selection of the candidate will be the subject of the first resolution to be presented and voted upon at this year’s diocesan annual convention, which is scheduled to be held on Saturday, November 6, 2021.

2021 Annual Convention Registration

Registration for the 2021 Annual Convention will open shortly (July 2021) and will close on October 8, 2021. Registration for the 132nd Annual Convention is open.

The 131st Annual Convention is now closed

A summary of the key information and results of this year’s Annual Convention will be published in the New Spirit Update on Thursday, November 12.

Convention Help & Essential Information Page Updated

We have taken all the things we’ve learned in delivering over seven hours of online training to people in preparation for the November 7 Annual Convention and distilled it into one page on this site.

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