
Church Support Page Added

Find out how the Bishop’s staff can help you and your church with your mission and ministries.

Lay Licenses Expire March 1

The licenses for Lay Preacher and Lay Catechist are up for renewal in 2021. Current licenses will expire as of March 1, 2021. While parish leaders and the licensees have been notified via email, we wanted to remind everyone as the deadline is coming up.

2021 Rosters due March 1

Please obtain the information needed to complete your Vestry or Bishop’s Committee forms by Monday, March 1, 2021.

The 131st Annual Convention is now closed

A summary of the key information and results of this year’s Annual Convention will be published in the New Spirit Update on Thursday, November 12.

Reports received after the deadline

Two additional reports received after the deadline have been added to the Annual Convention Reports Page. Standing Committee Hispanic Ministry

Convention Documents Updated

The following documents have been updated. C2020 – Resolution #3 – Standard Rules of Order for Conventions; C2020 – Resolution #4 – Membership of the Standing Committee; Draft 2021 Plan for Ministry

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