Convention Reports

Report — Standing Committee

Shirley Bolden, President January 2022 Bishop Diane Bruce – The bishop continues a brisk schedule of visiting with plans to visit each congregation before the end of April. She is hearing much from congregations and individuals. She will be at St. Augustine’s for the Absalom Jones service 2/6/22 at 4:00 pm. She will celebrate at Trenton on Maundy Thursday. Still in a rental car and awaiting permanent vehicle. Bishop Bruce discussed her plans related to the Lambeth conference reporting that she feels it is more productive for her to stay in the diocese at this time. She will travel home to LA in February. The bishop emailed the clergy regarding coming staff changes in keeping with the request that clergy receive announcements ahead of publication in New Spirit. The SC’s role with the Commission on Ministry (COM) – Bolden and Bishop Bruce plan to attend the 1/26/22 COM meeting. The bishop and COM president, Bob Maynard have discussed this. Much discussion about the process toward ordination included that it is often found to be difficult to understand. Ideas included Establishing a class of those pursuing the diaconal studies and a class of those pursuing presbyteral studies. Requiring the full psychological evaluation prior to beginning seminary be paid one-third by the individual, one-third the presenting congregation, and one-third by the diocese. Background, financial, and medical evaluations should be done early, as well. Deacon Beck Schubert to collaborate with a clergy and lay mentor program for the newly ordained and those new to cure. The process to ordination which was followed in the past was suggested as a good model to begin review of the current process. Kyle has a copy of that process as of 2012 and will send it with these minutes. Estes also has information from 2004. Bishop Bruce has been talking to the seminarians about the process and is hearing their frustrations. It has been suggested that those in the process have access to their check lists of requirements for ordination. They report being hesitant to voice frustration about the process. A complete process document is needed, including ordination timeline events. These items may need to be updated on the website. The SC will join the Diocesan Council (DC) retreat on February 11-12, 2022, at St. Peter and All Saints in KC. It is planned for hybrid and the SC members are asked to bring deserts. The DC is watching the situation with COVID-19 and will reevaluate the in-person portion of the retreat. Interview with Mr. Adam James regarding candidacy for ordination to the vocational deaconate. James was welcomed to the meeting SC introductions were made. He gave an overview of his career with the fire service and his discovery of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church. He is in his final year at BKSM. He hopes to focus on serving people and groups with moral wounds (aka PTSD) and is considering furthering his education in the area of therapy. He is engaged in CPE. After a fruitful discussion Spicer moved consent to candidacy for Adam James. Ted seconded. The motion carried. Interview with Ms. Barbara Wegener regarding candidacy for ordination to the vocational deaconate. Wegener is a retired public servant having served her entire career with the federal government. She is a member of St. Matthew’s Church, Raytown. Her work with the Veterans’ Administration has led her to an interest in chaplaincy. She has not yet begun CPE and plans to engage in the nine-month program beginning later this year. Her priest during this process was The Rev. Oren Cummings, ELCA pastor assisting St. Matthew’s Church. The process was not clear to him, though he was helpful. Pr. Cummings left St. Matthew’s in mid-2020. The discernment process has not always been clear. After a fruitful discussion Kyle moved consent to candidacy for Barbara Wegener. Spicer seconded. The motion carried with one abstention. Discussion related to the consent for the Rev. Juan Carlos Quinonez to be consecrated as the bishop of the Diocese of Ecuador Central. After a period of discussion and a review of the materials provided, Estes moved consent. Bolden seconded. The motion carried. Additional comments – Bolden reminded the SC to sign the consent forms for Mr. James, Ms. Wegener, and The Rev. Quinonez, and return them, as appropriate. The Diocese West Mo office is looking at the DocuSign tool to streamline the consent process. February 2022 Present –Shirley Bolden, president, Jonathan Frazier, Alexandra Connors, Marsha Patterson, Eric Rhoades, Ted Estes, Bishop Diane Bruce, Anne Kyle. Absent – John Spicer. The meeting was opened Over lunch following Noonday Prayer at the Diocesan Council (DC)/Standing Committee (SC) retreat. The minutes of the January 2022, minutes were reviewed. Connors moved to accept the minutes as presented. Estes seconded. The motion carried. Correspondence from The Rev. Dr. Linda Milholen, vicar, Church of the Transfiguration, Mountain Grove, was read. The SC has received the Vicar’s Award for service during the transition in DioWestMo. Bishop Bruce discussed her desire that the St. Paul’s Maryville property may be used in creative ways, perhaps with campus ministry in mind. Bishop Bruce requested the consent of the SC to the appointment of the following persons to the Disciplinary Board. Evelyn Mangan from Christ Church Springfield (, cell 417.818.8114. 1st term ending 2023) and Mary Johnson from St. Michael’s in Independence ( cell 816.728.1048. 1st term ending 2024). She noted that the board has not been needed in a long time. Estes moved consent. Patterson seconded. The motion carried. Frazier moved to consent to the ordination of Krista Heuett to the transitional deaconate. Patterson seconded. The motion carried. Connors moved to consent to the ordination of Colin Larimore to the transitional deaconate. Kyle seconded. The motion carried. There was much discussion related to the Commission on Ministry (COM). Bishop Bruce reiterated the importance of conducting psychological and medical evaluations prior to the beginning of seminary and background checks, as well. The SC will increase familiarity with those who are in the process toward ordination. The regional vocations committees would be a good place to start. The next RVC is on April 8th. March 2022 Ordination Process – Fr. Everson Contact information – mobile # 913-484-2084. The process for ordination is being streamlined, regularized, and simplified. Ordinations to the diaconate will take place in June and presbyteral ordinations in January. Classes of ordinands will be more firmly established. A vocations interest retreat will be held in September featuring The Rev. Lisa Senuta. Connors suggested that the documents related to the ordination process which are on the DioWestMo website be updated for accuracy or removed. There are eight ordinations coming up between now and January 1st.  4/2 Colin Larimore and Krista Heuett; 5/28 Rita Kendagor; 6/11 Jean Long. Several candidates will be taking the GOE this summer. Frazier suggested that those in the process be given greater access to their records, especially the check list. There are changes coming in how the information is stored with a goal of greater communication. Bishop Diane Bruce Bishop Bruce was inspired by her recent visit to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery which recalls the history of lynching in this county. It was a haunting reminder of our collective wrong in the treatment of Black and Brown persons. She encouraged us to consider pilgrimage to lynching sites in this diocese and to the memorial in Montgomery, AL. The Clergy Pension Fund is well funded. Clergy are having shorter service careers with more second vocation clergy. She will not be attending Lambeth this year due to a busy summer in many ways, especially with the diocese, and due to concerns about COVID. She will be busy at the General Convention as secretary to the House of Bishops, active with the Union of Black Episcopalians, and the DioWestMo deputation. She is in preliminary work to re-open St. Paul’s – Maryville with a new vision, possibly related to campus ministry. The Metro-NW deanery has pledged $10,000 toward this and both St. Mary’s Savannah, and St. Oswald’s, Atchison County would contribute. Spicer asked about the intention. Bruce hopes to find 3-4 people to walk the neighborhood and ask about what is needed. Possibly use the rectory for college students who are housing insecure or for an intentional community. Connors suggested looking to Kansas for Canterbury support. The bishop has visited thirty-two of the forty-seven congregations. Fr. Ron Keel is off to a good start with Christ Church, Springfield. Frazier asked if she is taking care of herself – she assured him that she is. Connors moved approval of the minutes of the February 20, 2022, meeting. Patterson seconded. The motion carried. Declaration of Release & Removal (Rev. Deacon Kevin White) – Dcn. White has made a voluntarily request to be released from the diaconate. There was much discussion including what we should learn from this process. Frazier moved consent to the declaration of release and removal. Spicer seconded. The motion carried with two abstentions. Consent to the Election of The Very Rev. Brian K. Burgess as bishop of Springfield. After much discussion Spicer moved consent to the election and Shirley seconded. The motion carried. Consent to the Election of the Rev. Jos Tharakan as bishop of Idaho. It was noted that Cathy Cox will preach at his consecration. Ted moved consent to the election and Marsha seconded. The motion carried. April 2022 The Standing Committee (SC) meeting was called to order shortly after 2:00 p.m. Those present included Shirley Bolden (president), John Spicer, Alexandra Connors, Ted Estes, Marsha Patterson, Eric Rhodes, Anne Kyle, and Bishop Diane Bruce. Guests (present for their respective interviews) included Vicky Anderson, Brittany Sparrow-Savage, and Ryan Williams. Comments from Bishop Diane – Bishop Diane shared the following details of her busy schedule. Working with the Commission on Ministry (COM) to streamline processes A campus ministry group has begun looking at expanding campus min outside of Springfield. Connors is working with WEMO Youth on reimagining the program. DioWestMo Convention 2022 “Reclaiming Our Roots to Grow Anew” Diocese worship committee to develop liturgies for diocesan events. The group will also shepherd new BKSM grads in liturgy development. Planning for BKSM grads to take the GOEs. The Pray, Play, Plan DioWestMo staff and cathedral staff retreat was a success. Renewal of Vows went well. Bishop Bruce’s sermon will be published as her message in From the Mission Field. She was at Trenton on Maundy Thursday and with Good Friday with Excelsior and Lexington. She will spend a week working from Irvine and then depart for a three-week vacation abroad. Chas Marks and Charles Everson are doing excellent work for the diocese. Will address the DioWestMo website soon as improvements are needed. Preparing to interview candidates for the Events Coordinator position Diocesan Council (DC) now meets monthly and uses a consent agenda. More time is spent proactively and visioning. A team, including John Spicer is being gathered to look at Maryville. It may be a good fit for Collin Larimore (currently at Carthage). The Rt. Rev. Kim Lucas will be here for MLK weekend 2023, PB Michael Curry for MLK 2024. The Rt. Rev Deon Johnson will preach on Absalom Jones celebration 2023. The WEMO youth van is for sale – contact Ron Weil for information. Approval of the March 2022 minutes – Rhodes noted that his last name is misspelled in the minutes. Patterson moved approval of the March 2022 minutes, as corrected. Estes seconded. The motion carried. Recommendation of Vicky Anderson as a candidate for ordination to the diaconate. Ms. Anderson was interviewed by the SC. Kyle moved consent to admit Anderson as a candidate for ordination to the diaconate. Patterson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Recommendation of Brittany Sparrow-Savage as a Candidate for ordination to the Priesthood. The SC interviewed Ms. Sparrow-Savage. Estes moved consent to admit Sparrow-Savage as a candidate for ordination to the Priesthood. Patterson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Recommendation of Ryan Williams as a candidate for ordination to the Priesthood. Mr. Williams was interviewed by the SC. Patterson moved consent to admit Williams as a candidate for ordination to the Priesthood. Spicer seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Recommendation of Jean Long for ordination to the Diaconate and Priesthood. Ms. Long was previously interviewed by the SC. Spicer moved consent to ordain Long to the Diaconate and Priesthood. Rhodes seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Consent to the election of The Very Rev. Dr. Douglas Scharf as Bishop of Southwest Florida. Kyle moved consent to elect. Rhodes seconded the motion which carried unanimously. June 2022 The Standing Committee (SC) was called to order shortly after 4:00 p.m. Those present included Shirley Bolden (president), John Spicer, Alexandra Connors, Ted Estes, Marsha Patterson, Eric Rhodes, Jonathan Frazier, Anne Kyle, and Bishop Dian Bruce. Comments from Bishop Diane – Bishop Diane shared the following details of her busy schedule: The background check, and psych eval will take place before meeting with the COM and postulancy. Kent McCall will retire from the Diaconate Michael Johns will continue as a Deacon Bishop met with Charles Everson and Bob Maynard to roll out the new process for ordination. This process will help with discernment for diaconate or presbytery. The process will formally go to COM and the Clergy in September and roll out in October. Congregational Discernment Psych Eval & Background Check Meet with COM Serve in a different congregation for more discernment One Saturday per month meet with mentors (1 clergy & 1 lay) Postulancy Seminary BKSM students will take National GOES Ordinations will take place as follows: Presbyterate – First Saturday in January Transitional Diaconate – First Saturday in Feb or May Vocational Diaconate – First Saturday in June  There will be yearly classes of priests, and deacons Ordinands will meet with the preachers for their ordination a few days before. Bishop Diane is the Co-Consecrator at Fr. Jos’ Consecration as Bishop of Idaho and will be Bishop Jos’ coach. Bishop Diane presented her schedule for the next several months including her plans to be present when the triplets come home from hospital. Bishop Diane and Shirley will write up-date from SC to the Diocese. Bishop Diane left to go to G&HT for the vigil. Approval of the April 2022 minutes – Estes moved the approval of the April 2022 minutes.  Frazier seconded.  The motion carried. There are no candidates for postulancy to be presented at this time. Consent to the election of The Rev Phillis Spiegel as Bishop of the Diocese of Utah. Kyle moved to consent to elect. Rhodes seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Consent to the election of The Rev Jeffrey Mello as Bishop of the Diocese of Connecticut. Estes moved to consent to elect. Spicer seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Consent to the election of The Rev Canon Shannon Rogers-Duckworth of the Bishop of the Diocese of Louisiana. Spicer moved to consent to elect. Estes seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Shirley said she is receiving comments/letters concerning the election of the Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of Florida.  She will forward all information to us. The election has been challenged and is now with the Presiding Bishop. July 2022 The Standing Committee (SC) was called to order shortly after 2:00 p.m. Those present included Shirley Bolden (president), Ted Estes (vice-President), John Spicer, Alexandra Connors, Eric Rhodes, Bishop Diane Bruce. Absent with excuse: Marsha Patterson, Anne Kyle, and Jonathan Frazier Comments from Bishop Diane – Bishop Diane shared the following details of her busy schedule: Continuing with visitations K C Pride as a Diocesan event Kent McCall will retire from the Diaconate Michael Johns will continue as a Deacon-in-charge. Bishop Diane was the Co-Consecrator at Father Jos’ Ordination as Bishop of Idaho. She will be his mentor/coach. Stewardship Committee has met once and will be working along with congregations on stewardship and plan giving. The Peace and Justice Committee has been re-established after the prayer vigil. Budget for 2023 were due on July 15, 2022. The job description for the youth director is complete and will be forwarded to Josh for review. The 2022 Convention Planning Committee has been working very hard. A suggestion was made to have a Chaplain for the Diocesan Convention. Mark Galus is putting together an attorney list.  The list will include attorneys who handle various areas of law. There will be a Women Retreat on Saturday, August 6 at Good Shepherd. Bishop Diane informed the Standing Committee as part of her letter of agreement a Mutual Ministry Review was to be discussed as it determines   the continuation of her position as provisional bishop. It was suggested and agreed that we have input from the Diocesan Council.  Approval of the June21, 2022 minutes -Father John Spicer moved the approval of the June 2022 minutes.  Father Ted seconded.  The motion carried. The Standing Committee interviewed David Wilcox as a candidate to the priesthood.  A motion was made by Father John and seconded by Father Ted to accept David Wilcox as a candidate to the priesthood.  Motion Carried. The Standing Committee interviewed Ryan Zavacky as a candidate to the priesthood.  A motion was made by Eric Rhodes and seconded by Father John Spicer to accept Ryan Zavacky as a candidate to the priesthood. Motion Carried. Consent to the election of The Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson as bishop elect to the Diocese of Virginia. A motion was made by Father John Spicer and seconded by Father Ted Estes to consent to the election. Motion Carried. August 2022 The Standing Committee (SC) was called to order shortly after 2:00 p.m. Those present included Shirley Bolden (president), John Spicer, Alexandra Connors, Marsha Patterson, Jonathan Frazier and Bishop Diane Bruce Ted Estes (by phone). Absent with excuse: Anne Kyle, and Eric Rhodes. Comments from Bishop Bruce Visitations continue to go well. No one is running out screaming, per the Bishop. Deanery picnics were very successful with attendance well over a 120 at each one. People were happy to be together and …

Report — Standing Committee Read More »

Report — Board of Examining Chaplains

Dr. Victor H. Matthews, Chair What are the highlights of your ministry since the 2021 Diocesan Convention? The Board meets as needed to prepare for examinations and to conduct written and oral examinations of candidates to the diaconate and the priesthood. Most of its business is conducted by email. In January 2022, the DBEC was asked to evaluate the GOE responses of Krista Heuett and Collin Larimore, candidates for ordination to the transitional diaconate and subsequently to the priesthood. The responses from the members of the Board were unanimously supportive and judged their responses to be proficient in all areas of the canonical exam. The recommendation was made that they be ordained to Holy Orders. In March 2022, the DBEC administered a written canonical exam to Jean Long, a candidate for ordination to the transitional diaconate and priesthood. The unanimous evaluation of the Board is that she provided satisfactory responses to all areas of these exam questions. They recommended that she be ordained to Holy Orders. In July 2022, the DBEC administered a written canonical exam to Brittany Savage and William Ryan, candidates for ordination to the transitional diaconate and subsequently to the priesthood. The responses from the members of the Board were unanimously supportive that they had shown proficiency in all areas of the exam. They recommended that both be ordained to Holy Orders. In July 2022, the DBEC administered a written canonical exam to Vicky Anderson, Adam James, and Barbara Wegener, candidates for ordination to the vocational diaconate. The unanimous evaluation of the Board is that they provided satisfactory responses to the exam questions and that they be ordained to Holy Orders. What are your plans for ministry in 2023? The Board will continue to refine and update its examination questions for priest and deacon candidates to better gauge their competencies and make the questions timely. Coordinate with the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry on the examination of their students and seek ways to share ideas with Examiners in other Dioceses. At this point, DBEC members Bill Stancil and Victor Matthews are teaching courses at BKSM and are gaining a better sense of the skill levels of the candidates. Continue to coordinate with the Commission on Ministry as part of the discernment process for ministry. The Board Chair will continue to serve as ex-officio member of the Commission on Ministry and to make reports at their meetings. How does your ministry reflect the priorities of the diocese? The work of the Board primarily relates to leadership development for those persons who have been discerned to have a call to ordained ministry. Candidates for ordained ministry are examined and evaluated. Congregations are better served by well-prepared and dedicated ministers. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to contact me at To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — Commission on Ministry

Bob Maynard, Chair The Commission on Ministry (COM) exists in compliance with Title III, Canon 2 of the Canons and Constitutions as an advisory role to the Bishop in the implementation of Title III.  The primary responsibilities are the encouraging and enabling present and future opportunities for the ministry of all the baptized, in the design and oversight of recruitment, discernment, formation for ministry and assisting in accessing individuals’ readiness for ministry. Our Subcommittees have been formed to cover these areas articulated in specific Canons under Title III.  These four subcommittees are Discernment, Ordination Process, Licensed Ministry, and Clergy Continuing Education, Orientation and Mentoring. Membership in these subcommittees is not limited to members of the Commission. The chairs of the subcommittees will be ex-officio members of the Commission, if not already elected or appointed members. For the majority of 2022 all activities of the Commission have been held via Zoom.  In August we resumed in-person meetings which also included participation via Zoom. Highlights of 2022 The Clergy Continuing Education, Orientation and Mentoring subcommittee finished its work on guidelines for Mentoring.  This has been published on the Diocesan Website.  Early in the year Bishop Diane charged the subcommittee with developing a plan to incorporate clergy recently ordained or new to the Diocese.  We have created a working document for the program named Beginning Well.  This program will be presented to clergy this fall. The subcommittee for Licensed Ministry has continues reviewing and revising diocesan policies regarding licensed ministry for recommendation to the Bishop. We have been doing this in with the assistance of the Dean of the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, which is developing curricula to support licensed ministries. Commission on Ministry Actions since last reported to Diocesan Convention 2021: October 2021      Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood – Krista Heuett                            Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood – Collin Larimore                            Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –  Jean Long                            Recommended for Candidacy for the Diaconate – Adam James                            Recommended for Candidacy for the Diaconate – Barbara Wegener February 2022     Recommended for Ordination to the Priesthood – Krista Heuett                            Recommended for Ordination to the Priesthood – Collin Larimore April 2022          Recommended for Candidacy for the Diaconate – Vicky Anderson                            Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood – Ryan Williams                            Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –Brittany Savage                            Recommended for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate –Jean Long June 2022           Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –David Wilcox                            Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –Ryan Zavacky August 2022        Recommended for Candidacy for Priesthood –Brian Cowley                            Recommended for Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate –Vicky Anderson                            Recommended for Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate –Adam James                            Recommended for Ordination to the Vocational Diaconate –Barbara Wegener                            Recommended for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate –Brittany Sparrow-Savage                            Recommended for Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate –Ryan Williams Plans for 2023 Complete design and implement a revised Discernment process modelling ourselves similarly to other Dioceses Participate in joint conversations with Commissions on Ministry associated with the BKSM membership. Continued support of Lay ministry development and training.  Further development of guidelines for continuing education. Implement strategy for continuing vocational discernment in all congregations. Diocesan Priorities While some of our work ultimately impacts all of the priorities, perhaps most directly we are assisting in growing leaders.  Identifying and encouraging individuals for being ordained clergy, obviously, but we intend our work to include occasional training opportunities for lay individuals.  Coordination with BKSM will be a new opportunity for lay education and training. The Diocese of West Missouri currently has 6 Nominees, 2 Postulants for the Diaconate 5 Postulants for the Priesthood, 7 Candidates, and 3 Transitional Deacons active in the ordination process. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — The Order of the Daughters of the King

Cheryl Webb-Laughlin, President What are the highlights of your ministry since the 2021 Diocesan Convention? We held our first post-covid in person Fall Assembly at St. Mary Magdalene in Belton.  It was well attended and very appreciated by daughters across the diocese. Held our in-person Spring Assembly at Trinity Episcopal in Lebanon and provided a “Ride Share” opportunity for 14 daughters from the K.C. Metro area to attend.  Attendance was increased as some of our members don’t or can’t make the long drives any longer. Sent a donation to the KC Refugees organization in support of their ministry to incoming refugees from various countries. Sent a $1000 donation to be divided among our 4 national funds in compliance with our vows as daughters. Made a $500 donation to support our National Triennial meeting in Baltimore, MD in June of 2022. Assisted our diocesan president with some expenses in her attendance and participation at our National Triennial convention in Baltimore, MD. Members attended, via Zoom, the Province VII Spring Assembly held in San Antonio, Tx. Made financial assistance available to daughters in the diocese who needed help with paying their yearly dues. Continued to bring new members into the 13 chapters in our diocese.  Provided support required for their 3 month discernment period. Held our first post-covid diocesan Board Retreat at Trinity Meadows with all but three chapter presidents present. Explored new ideas for continued growth of Daughters of the King within our Diocese. Daughters continued to be faithful in their rule of life by praying daily for their parishes, dioceses and provinces, as well as national and international daughters. Describe how these activities have furthered the work of the diocese and strengthened the parishes. Daughters of the King provide spiritual formation for the parish through their commitment to prayer, service and evangelism. Daughters are a rich resource to the priests of each parish where a Daughters of the King chapter is located. Daughters often attract new members through their external/internal evangelism and service which strengthens the parish as well as the diocese What are your plans for ministry for 2023? Continue to seek opportunities for new chapters of Daughters of the King throughout the diocese. Provide relevant and meaningful education that will nurture daughters for the furthering of God’s Kingdom. Listen intently to the needs of daughters in the diocese and take direction from their input. How will you measure success in 2023? Track (through our national office) new member numbers, which are only reported to the diocesan level once every three years. Within the diocese, track interest in new chapters and applications for membership Follow the involvement of Daughters in reported participation within the life of their respective parishes.  Chapter presidents report this information to the President of the Diocese once a year. Utilize our diocese membership chair to work closely with those chapters who experience issues in dues payment annually. How does your ministry reflect the priorities of the diocese? Grow Congregations: The presence of Daughters of the King Chapters within a parish helps stabilize and sustain the parish so the church can grow and ministry can be on-going. Grow Personally: Daughters grow personally through practicing their Rule of Life:  to pray, to serve and to evangelize in furthering the Kingdom of God. Grow in Community: The activities of the individual Chapters of Daughters of the King represent the accounting of the work carried out in communities, often hand-in-hand with other community partners. Grow in Compassion: Daughters recognize the need to aid others, as is seen time and time again, in the work they do throughout the diocese.  Service is one of the rules daughters vow to uphold in becoming a member of the order. Daughters wear their crosses daily and hold each other accountable in an effort to show the world who we are and to whom we belong. Grow Leaders: Through prayer, service to others and evangelism, many daughters have found their role as leaders within their parish, the diocese, the province and even at the national level. We nurture chapter members in leadership so the future of Daughters of the King in the Diocese will be on-going for years to come. Continue to provide a retreat every 2-3 years for the chapter presidents to assist in their growth of Daughters of the King within our diocese. Chapters of The Order of the Daughters of the King in the Diocese of West Missouri St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Belton, Missouri Church of the Resurrection, Blue Springs, Missouri St. George Episcopal Church, Camdenton, Missouri St. Thomas a’ Becket Episcopal Church, Cassville, Missouri Grace Episcopal Church, Chillicothe, Missouri St. Michael Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City, Missouri St. Matthew Episcopal Church, Raytown, Missouri Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield, Missouri St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield, Missouri Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon, Missouri St. Peter & All Saints Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — Peace and Justice Committee

Tara Bennett, Chair The Peace and Justice Committee was formed in August 2022 by Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce in response to the shootings in Uvalde, TX and the Dobbs decision. It is in its’ initial formation stages, determining activities and responses. The Peace and Justice Committee is charged with first looking at a Diocesan response to gun violence, be it city gun violence, unintentional shootings or suicide. The committee will follow two tracks. The first track is Education and Legislation, and will provide Bishop Bruce with information and advice about pertinent legislation within the Missouri legislature. Additionally, it will look for ways to provide education to congregations on gun safety and violence prevention. The second track is Social Justice. It will seek to work at a deeper level with societal causes of gun violence, and to partner with relevant groups in the community to address the underlying issues which cause people to turn to gun violence. In the next year, the Peace and Justice Committee plans to focus first on the Education and Legislation track. It will distribute information to parishes about gun violence and safety and advise the Bishop regarding advocacy on gun safety measures in the legislature. It will then move to research and determine effective work with partner organizations to address the root causes of gun violence as the year progresses. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — The Order of the Daughters of the King

Cheryl Webb-Laughlin, President What are the highlights of your ministry since the 2021 Diocesan Convention? We held our first post-covid in person Fall Assembly at St. Mary Magdalene in Belton.  It was well attended and very appreciated by daughters across the diocese. Held our in-person Spring Assembly at Trinity Episcopal in Lebanon and provided a “Ride Share” opportunity for 14 daughters from the K.C. Metro area to attend.  Attendance was increased as some of our members don’t or can’t make the long drives any longer. Sent a donation to the KC Refugees organization in support of their ministry to incoming refugees from various countries. Sent a $1000 donation to be divided among our 4 national funds in compliance with our vows as daughters. Made a $500 donation to support our National Triennial meeting in Baltimore, MD in June of 2022. Assisted our diocesan president with some expenses in her attendance and participation at our National Triennial convention in Baltimore, MD. Members attended, via Zoom, the Province VII Spring Assembly held in San Antonio, Tx. Made financial assistance available to daughters in the diocese who needed help with paying their yearly dues. Continued to bring new members into the 13 chapters in our diocese.  Provided support required for their 3 month discernment period. Held our first post-covid diocesan Board Retreat at Trinity Meadows with all but three chapter presidents present. Explored new ideas for continued growth of Daughters of the King within our Diocese. Daughters continued to be faithful in their rule of life by praying daily for their parishes, dioceses and provinces, as well as national and international daughters. Describe how these activities have furthered the work of the diocese and strengthened the parishes. Daughters of the King provide spiritual formation for the parish through their commitment to prayer, service and evangelism. Daughters are a rich resource to the priests of each parish where a Daughters of the King chapter is located. Daughters often attract new members through their external/internal evangelism and service which strengthens the parish as well as the diocese What are your plans for ministry for 2023? Continue to seek opportunities for new chapters of Daughters of the King throughout the diocese. Provide relevant and meaningful education that will nurture daughters for the furthering of God’s Kingdom. Listen intently to the needs of daughters in the diocese and take direction from their input. How will you measure success in 2023? Track (through our national office) new member numbers, which are only reported to the diocesan level once every three years. Within the diocese, track interest in new chapters and applications for membership Follow the involvement of Daughters in reported participation within the life of their respective parishes.  Chapter presidents report this information to the President of the Diocese once a year. Utilize our diocese membership chair to work closely with those chapters who experience issues in dues payment annually. How does your ministry reflect the priorities of the diocese? Grow Congregations: The presence of Daughters of the King Chapters within a parish helps stabilize and sustain the parish so the church can grow and ministry can be on-going. Grow Personally: Daughters grow personally through practicing their Rule of Life:  to pray, to serve and to evangelize in furthering the Kingdom of God. Grow in Community: The activities of the individual Chapters of Daughters of the King represent the accounting of the work carried out in communities, often hand-in-hand with other community partners. Grow in Compassion: Daughters recognize the need to aid others, as is seen time and time again, in the work they do throughout the diocese.  Service is one of the rules daughters vow to uphold in becoming a member of the order. Daughters wear their crosses daily and hold each other accountable in an effort to show the world who we are and to whom we belong. Grow Leaders: Through prayer, service to others and evangelism, many daughters have found their role as leaders within their parish, the diocese, the province and even at the national level. We nurture chapter members in leadership so the future of Daughters of the King in the Diocese will be on-going for years to come. Continue to provide a retreat every 2-3 years for the chapter presidents to assist in their growth of Daughters of the King within our diocese. Chapters of The Order of the Daughters of the King in the Diocese of West Missouri St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church, Belton, Missouri Church of the Resurrection, Blue Springs, Missouri St. George Episcopal Church, Camdenton, Missouri St. Thomas a’ Becket Episcopal Church, Cassville, Missouri Grace Episcopal Church, Chillicothe, Missouri St. Michael Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri Trinity Episcopal Church, Independence, Missouri Church of the Good Shepherd, Kansas City, Missouri St. Matthew Episcopal Church, Raytown, Missouri Christ Episcopal Church, Springfield, Missouri St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield, Missouri Trinity Episcopal Church, Lebanon, Missouri St. Peter & All Saints Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Missouri To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — Christian Formation

Kim Snodgrass, Assistant to the Bishop for Christian Formation The purpose of the Christian formation ministry is to encourage and nurture spiritual growth, Christian practices, and theological reflection. This is based on the belief that actively engaging in Christian formation is a transformative experience which affects our understanding of morality, politics, economics, labor, family, the environment, hospitality, justice, friendship, and forgiveness. In short, everything is a spiritual matter. As formation takes place within our hearts and minds; the fruits of awareness and spiritual growth are directed outward into our communities. Ultimately, what we inwardly digest as we follow The Way of Jesus encourages active, visible faith that values people and relationships, naturally moving us outside the walls of the church building in form of mission, outreach, inclusiveness, and evangelism. The Christian Formation Commission focuses on the ways in which people can explore, deepen, and grow their faith by determining helpful responses to the needs of congregations, discovering new resources, and recommending best practices. To fulfill this purpose and advocate for intentional Christian formation, the following work has been in process throughout 2022. Curated traditional and experiential resources for people of all ages on the diocesan website to organize the wealth of online information and simplify the search process. A companion presence of support, consultation, resources, and encouragement. In January 2021, the Everything Holy project began as an experiential way to explore, grow and deepen an experience of God within the home.  Missional in nature, it has been a beneficial resource nearly 300 households representing 37+ churches, 65+ cities, and multiple states. Although a recent survey indicated most participants found it both beneficial and a means of connecting to the diocese, it is a time-intensive and expensive project to continue long term. The decision has been made to suspend the project effective the November 2022 issue. We are thankful for the project’s success but want to refocus our efforts on ways to reach more members of the diocese and believe similar creative efforts can be put forth in ways that will include access to new resources, training, and curriculum. Work towards the creation of a diocesan Formational Arc (scope and sequence). Our desired outcome is to produce opportunities for experience and resources that are age appropriate for the lifelong journey of faith and flexible to the needs of each congregation. Our hope is to provide a benchmark of our hopes and dreams, a vision for formation, and unite us with a common purpose. Formation-related posts through the New Spirit Update highlight educational, liturgical, fellowship and service-oriented resources and reflections. 2023 Additional Plans for Ministry include Fine-tuning communication offered at deanery gatherings and made available to congregations through regular communication channels such as newsletters, bulletins, etc. Our hope is to include information and an invitation for individuals and congregations to be involved in the formational process. New workshop and training opportunities, curriculum, and resources God’s hands are always busy at the potter’s wheel; Jesus himself “increased in wisdom and in years, and in divine and human favour.”i  The Christian Formation ministry is here to walk with the people of West Missouri as we seek to be become authentically engaged in hospitality, worship, prayer, learning and mission; a people who “live out the values of the kingdom of God in the presence of the kingdoms of the world;” ii a people becoming human beings made in the likeness of Christ. ________________________ i  Luke 2:52ii The Dream of God: A Call to Return by Verna Dozier To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — Hispanic Missioner

The Rev. Jose Palma Hispanic Missioner for the Diocese of West Missouri. Education and Spiritual Growth The act of educating and nurturing the faith of our children, youth and adults. Conducted adult Bible study at Grace. Conducted spiritual retreat at Grace Church, for parishioners from, St. Nicholas Noel, All Saints Bentonville, San Andres Rogers AR, La Iglesia del Espiritu Santo Tulsa OK Serve as Hispanic Missionary of the Diocese in charge of two congregations in the south of the Diocese and support other Hispanic initiatives in the Diocese Parish Community Building Community as we share our joys, our woes, and fellowship with our own parishioners, friends, and neighbors In all the activities listed, the Hispanic Missioner is intentional in building community not just among Spanish speaking Episcopalians but also with the English-speaking Episcopalians in other congregations. Activities frequently include the active participation of English-speaking Episcopalians and others in the community—for instance one of the Posadas was hosted by a prominent Methodist family in their home.  Fellowship at coffee hours after weekly services at St. Nicholas and Grace Band and choir entertain residents at St. Luke’s Nursing Home in Carthage for special events Celebrated Las Posadas involving services and food in different homes and the church in both Carthage and Noel. Guadalupe festival in December hosted Spanish and English speakers. Kermess in Noel, a variant of street fair, raised the profile of the congregation in this small, almost entirely immigrant, town. Quinceaneras (large 15th birthday festivities) in Noel, Carthage and Kansas City. Our Reach Extend the Gospel to the entire Hispanic Community. Visits to hospitals in the area, including in NW Arkansas. Counseling with families troubled by recent changes in immigration and the ongoing debate in the nation over race. Help with parishioner going through naturalization process as a citizen.  Adoration, Evangelism, Leadership, Stewardship, Pastoral Service, Bible Studies and Parish Community. Ministry to the Wider Church and World Education and Spiritual Growth Looking beyond our walls to the needs of the greater world as we strive to live out our mission to serve others in Christ’s name. Support and contribute to the mission of the church for ERD, MDG,  apportionment, specified missions (local and world-wide). Care of Resources Maintaining our beautiful building in which we can gather for worship, celebration, and meetings Maintenance and janitorial work in Noel provided entirely by clergy and parishioner volunteers and supported by Bishop’s committee 2023 and Beyond What activities we plan for this next year and tasks we would like to accomplish in the future Conduct 2 Spiritual Retreat for Hispanic Churches in the South of the Diocese, La Iglesia de Todos los Santos and Bentonville, La Iglesia San Andres and Rogers Arkansas and Iglesia del Espiritu Santo and Tulsa Oklahoma. Conduct Guadalupe day, Las Posadas, El Dia de Los Tres Reyes, El Dia de St Nicolas, Cinco de Mayo at St. Lukes for Spanish and English speakers. Plan of Action of Latino Ministry and Kansas City. Conduct a 1-day Workshop for Leadership Training in Spanish. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — Stewardship Commission

Amy Amason, Chair What are the highlights of your ministry since the last Annual Convention? The Commission was established in late April.  We have spent the past several months on the following: We developed a survey to ascertain interest and need in the various areas of stewardship across the diocese.  The survey was distributed the week of September 12, 2022 via email and in the New Spirit.  To date, 27 responses have been received. We are collecting information about existing resources around the country that can be shared with our parishes. We have been in conversation with TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship) about possible training opportunities in the diocese for 2023. We have begun the redraft of stewardship resources on the website. Describe how these activities have furthered the work of the diocese and strengthened parishes and congregations?  (Include the number of participants and/or people served.) As a new Commission, our work to date has been learning and planning to support stewardship in the diocese. What are your plans for ministry in the next year? Our plans for ministry will, in large part, be directed by the results of the survey and further conversations throughout the diocese. We plan to include a Stewardship Message in the New Spirit once a month. We will visit parishes who are interested in stewardship support How will you measure success in the next year? We will compile the results of the surveys and make a written plan to address the concerns.  This will serve as a guide for further planning. The number of stewardship messages in New Spirit in 2023. We will measure success based on the number of requests we receive for information, resources, and visits. The relative change in stewardship engagement at the congregational level as measured by a follow-up survey next year. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

Report — Campus Ministry

Alisa Carmichael The Campus Ministry Commission supports outreach ministry to college students and partnerships with local parishes located near university campuses.  The Commission has started reorganizing and rebuilding campus ministry planning this year with the following steps: The Campus Ministry Commission meets by Zoom at 4:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month. We are updating the campus ministry website to refer students to parishes located near university campuses. We have updated the campus ministry Facebook page and added a campus ministry Instagram page. Austin Boyland has served as Campus Missioner at Christ Church in Springfield.  He will be stepping down this fall due to other increased job responsibilities. Rev. David Kendrick is currently exploring partnership options with Ekklesia on Missouri State University’s campus.  Ekklesia is an ecumenical campus ministry program that incorporates representation from multiple denominations. Clare Stern-Burbano is developing programming for college students at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral.  One popular recent discussion series for this age group was entitled: “Does God have a Gender?”. The Campus Ministry Commission is currently exploring options for re-establishing peer ministers in our diocese.  We have also started the discernment process to apply for possible funding from the Episcopal Church Young Adult and Campus Ministry national grant program. We welcome the opportunity to promote local parish events that might appeal to college students.  Please let us know about these and/or other ways that our diocese can reach out to our local college campuses. To print a copy of the above report, please use your browser’s print facility.

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