Anti-Racism Training

Requirement for churches to ensure that key leaders have anti-racism training.

Intake Officer

The Intake Officer receives complaints about the behavior of clergy and independently evaluates the appropriate course of action. When the Intake Officer deems it appropriate, they can and do refer cases to the Diocesan Disciplinary Board or to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Any person knowing or reasonably believing an offense may have been committed by a member of the clergy is encouraged to inform the Intake Officer. Additional information can be found in CANON XXII — Ecclesiastical Discipline — page 27 of the Constitution and Canons of The Diocese of West Missouri.

Episcopal Church Model Policy for Vulnerable Adults

This document is a statement for The Episcopal Church, setting forth expectations for its leaders in their relationships with vulnerable people. The purpose of these model policies is to foster the highest standards of behavior in ministry settings.

Episcopal Church Model Policy for Protection of Children and Youth

This document is a statement for the Episcopal Church, setting forth expectations for its leaders in their relationships with children and youth. The purpose of these model policies is to foster the highest standards of behavior in ministry settings.

Customary for Deacons

This Customary is written to clarify the role of deacons as ordained ministers in service to the world and to the Church, and to communicate the ways in which deacons will function and be supported in The Diocese of West Missouri.  These customs shall be regarded and observed in this diocese by lay persons, bishops, and presbyters, as well as deacons.  The information herein was created by a team of deacons in the Diocese, with particular input from the Rt. Rev. Diane M. Jardine Bruce, Bishop Provisional, and the Venerable Bruce E. Bower, Archdeacon; as a whole, it is guided by the vision statement of the Association for Episcopal Deacons incorporates ideas from the customaries of several other dioceses.

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