The Rev. Charles Everson Jan 05, 1922

The Rev. Charles Everson

The Rev Charles Everson Image : Mary Ann Teschan

Standing Committee nominee, 2021.
Rector, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, (Northwest-Metro Deanery).

Previous Cures/Assignments

  • Curate, St. Luke’s, Shawnee, Kansas: June 2016 – August 2018

 Involvement at a Deanery Council/Diocesan level:

  • I attend our deanery meetings faithfully and have attended diocesan convention each year since I arrived at St. Mary’s in 2017.
  • Having transferred my canonical residence to this diocese mid-2019, I have not yet served on any official committees at the deanery or diocesan level, and look forward to serving in this way should that be the will of the Convention!

 Involvement at a Provincial/General Church level:  

  • I have served in leadership roles in the Society of Catholic Priests of North America, a devotional society for clergy in The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada, since 2017, first as communications officer, and now as provincial convener.

Additional comments

After a brief stint as a Southern Baptist missionary after college, I worked in the banking industry for 15 years, beginning as a teller, and ultimately ending up on the senior management team and responsible for the regulatory compliance and anti-money laundering programs. After being ordained deacon in 2016 and then priest in early 2017, I was bi-vocational until leaving banking entirely in August 2020.


  • 10-11-2021. Supplied profile text added.
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