Application for Judgement of Marital Status and Permission to Solemnize a Marriage Jul 28, 2021

Application for Judgement of Marital Status and Permission to Solemnize a Marriage

Instructions for Completing an Application for Judgment of Marital Status and/or Permission to Solemnize a Marriage.

The form provided below need only be used when a person or persons contact a Member of the Clergy to inquire about their marital status or about re-marriage in the Church. This form is designed to work in tandem with the Policy & Procedure for the Solemnization of Marriages

Part 1 of this form is an Application for Judgement of Marital Status. Part 2 is an Application for Permission to Solemnize a Marriage. Canonically, these are two separate actions, but for convenience, the form below deals with both actions in one form.

Part 1 is to be filled out by the person(s) seeking a judgment of marital status, which judgment is required by and covered in Canon 1.19 of the Church’s general canons. A member of the clergy should assist the applicant in filling out Part 1. Only a person previously married need submit Part 1, but if both parties to a proposed marriage have previously been married, then each must separately submit Part 1.

In Section A of Part 1, the applicant is to provide background information about former marriage(s). One Section A should be filled out for each previous marriage.

In Section B of Part 1, the applicant is to provide facts about the end of previous marriages. One Section B should be filled out for each previous marriage.

Part 2 of this form is the Member of the Clergy’s request for Permission to Solemnize a Marriage. Again, this form is only used when someone seeking to be married in the Church has been previously married.



  • 07-29-2021. The instructions embedded in the form have been extracted and added as text to the top of this page. Minor typolographical and other edits have been applied.
  • 07-28-2021. Original PDF added to page.
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