
This list only comprises recent documents converted to web pages. For a full list of diocesan documents please visit the Documents page.

Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation Policy

The Canons of the General Convention (Title I Canon 7 Section F) require that an annual audit of parishes of the diocese be submitted to the Office of the Bishop, such examination being conducted as permitted by Diocesan Council.   The canonical deadline for filing the examination report with the Office of the Bishop is September 1 of each year.

Clergy leave-taking policy

A good beginning depends on a good ending. Your congregation’s ability to call your successor and move forward successfully in ministry with them depends greatly on how well you leave as well as on your ability to let go. Your character and integrity are demonstrated in how you leave a position.

Accountable Business Expense Policy

The diocesan policy on business expenses is designed to be fair, consistent, and ensure the prudent use of the diocesan funds, as well as follow all pertinent tax regulations. Expenses must have a clear business purpose consistent with the image of a professional organization …

Policy Regarding Remarriage Following Divorce

This policy covers Marriages of persons after divorce in which the former spouse(s) is still living are permitted only for couples in which at least one member is a communicant in good standing of the congregation where the wedding is to take place.

The Witnessing and Blessing of a Marriage

Concerning the Service This rite is appropriately celebrated in the context of the Holy Eucharist and may take place at the principal Sunday Liturgy. This rite then replaces the Ministry of the Word. A bishop or priest normally presides. Parallel texts from Enriching Our Worship 1are included as options for elements of this rite. At least one of the couple must be a baptized Christian, and the marriage shall conform to the laws of the state and canons of this church. Two or more presenters, who may be friends, parents, family members, or drawn from the local assembly, may present the couple to the presider and the assembly. As indicated in the opening address, the consent, and the blessing of the rings, the rite may be modified for use with a couple who have previously made a lifelong commitment to one another. Updates 07-28-2021. Webpage created from existing PDF document.

Clergy and Lay Professional Continuing Education Policy

Active clergy and Lay Professionals are eligible to receive matching diocesan funds for their continuing education each year, up to $350. This amount must be matched by the applicant’s congregation or employing institution, as well as the applicant himself or herself.

Parochial Financial Audits Policy

The Canons of the General Convention (Title I Canon 7 Section F) require that an annual audit of parishes of the diocese be submitted to the Office of the Bishop, such examination being conducted as permitted by Diocesan Council.   The canonical deadline for filing the examination report with the Office of the Bishop is September 1 of each year.

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